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Publication Policy
- Every contribution should be accompanied by a declaration that the article is original and has not been published or submitted elsewhere for publication.
- All submitted articles will be double-blind reviewed. Acceptance of articles is subject to recommendation by the review panel and subsequent acceptance by the editor.
- Every accepted article will be copy-edited. The Editorial Board reserves the right to make necessary revisions to the text in keeping with the journal style sheet and standard.
- Every author will receive a complimentary online copy of the issue in which their paper appears.
- The Editorial Board is in charge of deciding which of the articles submitted to the journal should be published.
- The editorial board will be guided by the policies of the journal and constrained by legal requirements related to copyright infringement and plagiarism.
- Members of the editorial board will confer and refer to reviewers’ recommendations in making this decision.
S.J.S.S. Plagiarism Policy
Authors shall submit only entirely original works and will appropriately cite or quote the work and/or words of others. Publications that have been significant in determining the nature of the reported work should also be cited. Plagiarism includes "passing off" another’s paper as the author’s own, copying or paraphrasing substantial parts of another’s paper (without attribution), and claiming results from research conducted by others. Plagiarism in all its forms constitutes unethical publishing behaviour and is intolerable.
Review Process
- All manuscripts of articles received within the due date of submission are initially scrutinised for suitability within the scope of the journal. Articles that do not belong to the stated periphery of commerce and business are rejected.
- Papers are then checked for plagiarism with the help of available software.
- The papers fulfilling the above condition of originality are then sent to reviewers for a double-blind review process. The identity of the author(s) is not disclosed to the reviewer, and the authors are not informed about the reviewer who is reviewing their article.
- On receipt of feedback from the reviewer, the editor analyses the feedback and further decides whether to accept, reject, or revise the paper. In case the reviewer recommends acceptance of the paper subject to certain revisions, the paper is sent back to the author(s) for further improvement and is considered for publication only after such revisions are duly incorporated in the article by the author(s).
- Normally, this double-blind peer review process takes at least eight weeks to provide any final feedback to the authors. Authors are formally informed about the acceptance or rejection of the article within the stipulated date.
- The Journal follows a well-defined time frame for the entire review process and strictly adheres to such a time frame.